21 September 2011

Are they your Dream Castle?

How does your dream castle look like? I bet many girls wish to live in a lovely castle with her prince happily ever after. In real, its hard to find your dream castle. But now, as Pico introduced the Dream Castle items, we could build our own castle or just go to visit those lovely castles made by other picos!

Pico released these items for us to build our own castle! But i know its soooo hard to build one unless you are a very creative person! :) I cannot afford to own a castle, thats why I chose to visit those lovely ones made by other picos.

Castle owned by e m e r a l d
My favourite part of this castle is the long corridor. It allows couples to have a romantic and sweet walk on it while admiring the beautiful scenery around, such as the river.

Castle owned by $ KαQ-۩ريان$™
My favourite part of this castle are the little garden in the middle. The garden is so beautiful because it is surrounded by the red roses and with the tall fountain.

Castle owned by ๑KムPE-CHムN๑
I love this castle becasue the whole castle is soooo blue in colour. I feel like being in my own dream. You can go there have make a wish at the fountain and your wishes might come true

* I will copy and paste the name of the owner of the 3 awesome castles at the comment section of this article. So that you all can visit them and take some nice photos there!

And I will keep updating Picoholic and post new articles regularly. Most probably, articles will be published every Wednesday to Saturday. ( As I will be very busy with school work on Monday and Tuesday.)

Finally, have you guys joined the DRAWING CONTEST? :) If not, dont forget to submit your entry before the deadline(1st October).
For the details of the contest, you can check them on the following link.
< http://picoholic-picoholic.blogspot.com/2011/09/celebration-for-1000-fans.html>
Lastly, as you all could see, I have started to put advertisements on Picoholic. You guys could show your support to Picoholic by clicking on any ads at which you are interested.
Thanks so much :)


hello 早安 :) said...

Names of the owners of the castle:

e m e r a l d


$ KαQ-۩ريان$™

* Do visit their castle and FAVOURITE their room if you like it !

Janine said...

Cute blog! I've added it to my list. Keep up the writing and see you in Pico! ^_^

Love, Coco☆╮

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